lunes, 20 de junio de 2016


Hi again!

This is a model you can use to rewrite your page about your holiday. Remember you have to include some important information about your holiday.
So, you are free to use this model and complete the spaces with your information. You can include more relevant information but make sure it is simple to understand.

__Christmas__in ___ USA_____ 
(Holiday-festiva]                       (country]

_______________________ is a celebration in _____________. It is cele-
  (Holiday name  ]                                                                                       (place ]

brated  on _December 25. People celebrate __with friends_______
                 (date]                                                                            (How]

People wear __________________.
                    (what clothes, special colors]

The symbols of _______________ are ___________________.

People eat ____________________________________.

People give (go, play, etc] __________________________


Hi guys!

A new page for your portfolios!

You are going to write a questionnaire (10-12 questions]. You need to think about a person you want to interview, maybe a famous person, your best friend or a family member.

Here you have some sample questions for this assignment. Dont copy them, create your own questions and please use PRESENT PERFECT. 

1.Have you ever tried chinese food¿
2. Have you been to Arboletes recently¿
3. Have you met a famous person¿

Have fun and write youe questions!

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

Help with reading comprehension

Yeah, reading in English is difficult. With practice you can do it! Miss Speers' favorite breakfast food is pancakes, so why not read about the World's Largest Pancake to practice your skills.

I. Vocabulary words from this article:











II. Pre-Reading Questions

What kind of food do you eat for breakfast?

How many ways do you know to serve pancakes?

III. Read the article

World's Largest Pancake Breakfast -
A Local Legacy
When you think of pancakes you might think of the kind served in America, hot with melted butter and maple syrup. But in reality, people around the world love pancakes. As a result, there are lots of different kinds. In America, pancakes are made with buttermilk and served for breakfast. In Russia, pancakes are called blinis, and are made from buckwheat flour and often served with caviar and sour cream. The Chinese use wheat flour and hot water to make pancakes in dozens of ways. In France, pancakes come in the form of a lacy crepe. In India, there's the Gujarati pancake. Crispy and wafer-thin, it comes stuffed with spicy potatoes and yogurt. Did you know there were so many ways to make and serve pancakes?

In 1986, an event that bills itself as the World's Largest Pancake Breakfast was revived for the 350th anniversary of Springfield, Massachusetts. The breakfast has been held every year since then. Hundreds of volunteers help with the event. In 1999, more than 71,233 servings of pancakes were served to more than 40,000 people. If you stacked up all those pancakes, they'd be more than 2 miles high!


IV. Post-Reading Questions

True or False?

1. Only people in America eat pancakes.

2. In China, pancakes come in the form of a lacy crepe.

3. In India, pancakes come stuffed with spicy potatoes and yogurt.

4. In Russia, pancakes are called Gujarati.

Short Answer :

5. Why was the World's Largest Pancake Breakfast revived in 1986?

jueves, 2 de junio de 2016

Videos to help you study the present perfect verb tense

1. A Lightspeed English video that uses both Spanish and English to review the basics (have / has + past participle) and practice pronunciation of past participles.
 Check out their youtube channel for more informative posts. 

2. A random, yet fun compilation of movie and TV clips where the present perfect is used. The clips are repeated twice halfway through the video.  
Practice your listening and speaking skills by repeating the phrases after the characters on the second time around.

3. A good explanation of "already", "yet", and "still" because we use these words with the present perfect tense a lot. 

Learning a new language is much easier when you put in the time and make it a fun challenge. Never be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions!