lunes, 20 de junio de 2016


Hi again!

This is a model you can use to rewrite your page about your holiday. Remember you have to include some important information about your holiday.
So, you are free to use this model and complete the spaces with your information. You can include more relevant information but make sure it is simple to understand.

__Christmas__in ___ USA_____ 
(Holiday-festiva]                       (country]

_______________________ is a celebration in _____________. It is cele-
  (Holiday name  ]                                                                                       (place ]

brated  on _December 25. People celebrate __with friends_______
                 (date]                                                                            (How]

People wear __________________.
                    (what clothes, special colors]

The symbols of _______________ are ___________________.

People eat ____________________________________.

People give (go, play, etc] __________________________

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